
You can email us at, call on 0845 4379340 or contact one of our directors using the details below if you have a specific request relating to our services or expertise:

Gareth Jones

Managing Director

Talk to Gareth if you need something relating to brand or creative, integrated campaigns, social marketing, employee engagement, film production, website development, etc, or would like to know more about Tribe in general.


M. +44 (0)7961 420308

Karen Williams

Client Director

Karen is an expert strategist and communicator, so your first port of call if you want to go-to-market, expand your presence, increase your share of voice or establish thought-leadership. She’s also multi-lingual, so feel free to chat to her in French, German or Spanish if that’s your native tongue.


M. +44 (0)7702 806365

Mark Westaby

Technical Director

Anything relating to data is best directed to Mark, be it analysis, measurement, evaluation, search, sentiment, statistics, text-mining, quantitative interpretation, etc.


M. +44 (0)7710 207809


“It’s really rewarding to work with an agency who are so open, accessible and have such high standards. I think the results speak for themselves. What we’ve been able to create really brings to life the personality of the business and team, and the benefits they bring to the lives of our customers.”

Managing Director
